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Farting in Yoga: Top 4 Wind-Relief Yoga Poses for Gas and Bloating

Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
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Everyone farts. Even the world’s most sophisticated individuals, such as kings and queens, fart. According to some doctors, the average person passes gas 5–15 times per day. 

The method your body expels extra gas is through farting and burping. Hence, farting is both normal and natural, and some experts believe it is the expected nature of some yoga poses.

But embarrassing…RIGHT!?

Here are a couple of ways to solve this issue; let’s dig in to learn more.

Yoga and Farting

So, Is it normal to fart while doing yoga? – Oh, Yes!

Farting is not only acceptable in yoga, but it may also be beneficial to our health. When mental-emotional tensions leave the body, a natural release may occur, including tears, laughter, salivation, perspiration, burps, hiccups, farts, coughing, sneezing, and other bodily functions. So, do not suppress their natural outbursts.

Farts, on the other hand, can be concerning if they become excessive or extremely stinking. This could be a sign of an underlying intestinal or digestive problem.

So, what’s the reason behind yoga farts?

Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
Image from pexels.com

It’s not always the food you’ve just eaten that causes you to pass gas. There are several other reasons as well.

  1. Normal Digestion – Farts are a normal part of digestion because they evacuate extra gas that builds up in the intestines due to ingesting air with food.
  2. Your Posture – Yoga assists digestion; thus, some postures, such as Wind-Relieving Pose, help release excess air instantly.
  3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Gas and bloating are also common IBS symptoms. According to a recent study, IBS affects 10% of the world’s population, though numbers are likely to differ by country and culture.
  4. Dysfunction of the Pelvic Floor – The bowels, bladder, and uterus are all supported by the pelvic floor muscles, which span the pelvis base. They play a key role in bowel movements, gas production, delivery, and sexual activities.

While farting is normal and yoga is a good way to relieve bloating, do consult your doctor if you suffer from excessive bloating.

How to Make Yourself Fart? Here are 4 Yoga Poses for Gas and Bloating

Here are a few yoga positions that can help you pass gas. It’s entirely up to you, but you’ll probably want to do these asanas in privacy. 

You can hold these yoga poses for an extended period if you’re going to relieve bloating, gas, and fart issues.

1. Wide Child’s Pose

The knees are open wide, and the big toes are contracting in Wild Child’s pose, with most of the body’s weight on the heels of the feet. The forehead is tenderly rested on the ground. 

The fingers are stretched wide as the arms reach the front. The gaze is directed downward and inward. This pose is a mild stretch for the back, hips, thighs, and ankles. 


Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
Image from pexels.com

2. Seated Forward Bend

Hinge forward over your thighs and reach for your toes from a seated position. Even if you have to bend your knees, try to connect your lower ribs to your thighs and flatten your back.

Keep your chest connected to your thighs and your back flat by wrapping your index and middle fingers around your big toes.

Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
Image from pexels.com

3. Two-Knee Spinal Twist Pose

Bend both knees and exhale as you pull your legs over to the right side from a supine position. Keep your knees as close as possible. Both knees should be level with your hips. Shift your sight to the left side of the room. 

You can also gaze to the right or keep your neck neutral. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
Image from pexels.com

4. Happy Baby Pose

The knees are somewhat wider than the hips in a supine position on your back. The ankles and shins should track the knees at an almost 90-degree angle onto the ground. 

The hands grip the inside soles of the flexed feet and press the knees down, enticing the thighs in toward the chest, lengthening the spine, pressing the tailbone into the earth, and lengthening the base of the skull away from the back of the neck. Keep the gaze raised on the sky.

Farting in Yoga Class: Top 4 Yoga Poses for Gas, Fart, and Bloating
Image from freepik.com

The Final Note

See what happens if you allow your body’s natural releases to flow in yoga, much like you do when you yawn or sigh throughout the day. At the very least, you’ll be assisting in the promotion of another natural release…Laughter 😉

When confronted with an embarrassing situation during yoga class, assess the group’s mood and respond accordingly. You could acknowledge your emission in a light-hearted and casual way if the class is easygoing. But if the teacher and students are dead serious, then pretend nothing unusual has happened. 

Check out our next blog article for how to fart appropriately in a group yoga class setting. 


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness/yoga-farts#is-it-normal 
  2. https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/wellness/yoga-fart-causes-prevention-237501 
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20360016
  4. https://www.healthline.com/health/endorphins

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